Adult Education in Sweden
Swedish adult education is organised in several forms. The school system for adults covers:
- Municipal adult education: At Compulsory School Level and Upper Secondary Level
- Special education for adults: At Compulsory School Level and Upper Secondary Level
- Swedish tuition for immigrants
Municipal Adult Education
The municipal adult education supports and encourages adults in their education. It gives them an opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge thereby, strengthening their standing in corporate and social community. It also encourages their personal growth and development. The municipalities are responsible for providing municipal adult education.
Municipal adult education is imparted at two levels: Compulsory School Level and Upper Secondary Level.
Municipal adult education at the compulsory school level provides knowledge, skills and abilities to adults, thereby building up a position in social and working life. Municipal adult education at a compulsory school level is provided in the courses form, where each course has a defined curriculum.
Adults who could not acquire knowledge in the compulsory school are eligible for municipal adult education at a compulsory school level. The right to adult education at a compulsory school level is for those who are resident in Sweden, and adults who have attained the age of 20 from the second half of the calendar year, i.e. July 1.
Grading System
The grading scale has five pass levels A, B, C, D, and E; grade F is for those who have failed the exam. Knowledge requirements are specified for three of the grades E, C and A. The grading scale does not mention knowledge requisites for grades D and B.
Grade Levels D and B
- Grade D indicates that the knowledge requirements for grade E and most of C are fulfilled.
- Grade B indicates that the knowledge requirements for grade C and most of A are satisfied.
The basis for grades D and B can be different for different students.
Special Education for Adults
Special education for grown-ups covers education at compulsory and upper secondary school level. While the education at the compulsory school level correspond to that granted in the upper secondary school for the training school or the learning disabilities, the upper secondary level education correspond to that granted in the national programmes of the upper secondary school for learning disabilities.
The municipalities also provide state grants to run vocational adult education and apprenticeship education in special education for adults.
Eligibility Criteria
Adults with developmental and learning disabilities or brain impairments have the right to attend special education for adults from the second half of the calendar year in which they attain the age of 20.
Grading System
Special education for adults at a compulsory school level
Grades are specified by A, B, C, D or E. A student who has not got a grade E gets a participation certificate in the course.
Special education for adults at upper secondary level
The following grades in special education for adults at upper secondary level are used:
- G- Pass
- VG- Pass with distinction
For students who do not get a Pass grade, a participation certification in the course is issued.
Swedish Tuition for Immigrants
Swedish tuition for immigrants is advanced language learning which concentrates on providing principal understanding of the Swedish language to adults. The education aims to provide students with communicative language skills. It helps them to develop their reading and writing skills.
The municipalities are responsible for providing Swedish tuition for immigrants. Study courses are tailored to the individual needs.
Eligibility Criteria
The right to Swedish tuition for immigrants is for those who are resident in Sweden, and who from the second half of the calendar year have hit the age of 16. And who also do not have sufficient basic knowledge in Swedish which the education intends to provide.
The right also applies to Finnish nationals who are working permanently in municipalities, but stay in Finland close to the Swedish border, and who otherwise satisfy the criteria. However, it does not apply to pupils who possess knowledge of Danish or Norwegian, as in these cases instruction in Swedish is not mandatory.
Grading System
The grading scale has five pass levels E, C, A, D, and B. F indicates a fail grade. Knowledge requirements are specified for only three of the grades E, C and A. The grading scale does not mention knowledge requirements for grades D and B.
Grade levels D and B
- Grade D indicates that the knowledge requirements for grade E and most of C are fulfilled.
- Grade B indicates that the knowledge requirements for grade C and most of A are satisfied.
The rationale for grades D and B differs from student to student.