TISUS: Test in Swedish for University Studies

The Test in Swedish for University Studies (TISUS) is a qualification intended for foreigners to demonstrate their Swedish language competency. It is meant for those students with a foreign high school who wish to continue their academic studies in Sweden. To pass the test, you need to possess an excellent knowledge of the Swedish language, corresponding to Swedish B in high school.

TISUS comprises of following sections: literacy skills (reading), writing and oral. The reading and writing tests takes four hours.

Format of TISUS

TISUS is split into three different parts: Literacy Skills, Writing Proficiency and Oral Proficiency

Literacy Skills

The literacy skills consist of following sections: Data, Commuter and overview, reading, and Soklasning or information.
  • Data: The data section measures the ability to understand the text on a horizontal plane, i.e. writer’s main objective, perspective, conclusion, etc. as well as on a local level, i.e. a particular information, the significance of a specific word or idiom.
  • Commuter and Overview Reading: Commuter and Overview Reading comprises 5 to 6 texts with 4-6 tasks for each text. The total tasks are 30 and these are multiple choice questions with four possible answers to each question. 
  • Soklasning / Information: Information retrieval comprises of a longer text of about 3 to 5 pages with 15 problems. The text usually starts out with a question word like when, who, How many, and so on. The candidate needs to read the text and look up for answers in the text. The answers should be short, can be one or two words.

Writing Proficiency

This part requires the candidates to compose an understandable and coherent explanatory text of about 400 words in a general manner on a given topic. The topic is general, not linked to any particular area of study.
  • Structure of the text: The text contains an introduction- a background of the topic, a detailed explanation or reasoning and a conclusion (your viewpoints).
  • Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes.
The grades are Pass or Fail. They are given on the basis of the candidates writing style, tone and quality. At least two analysts read and assess texts.

Oral Proficiency

The oral test is done differently in Sweden and abroad.

a. Oral Proficiency Sweden

  The oral test measures the communicative language ability of the candidates though two tasks. The two tasks are:
  • Conversation task: In conversation task, candidate have to interact with others, thereby contributing to the conversation. They need to put forward their viewpoints, follow up others' assertions and conclusions, and thus further the discussion.
  • Individual task: In the individual task, the candidate needs to highlight and talk about the diverse perspectives on the subject.
Preparation: The candidate gets information for studies of two topics about a week before the test date. They can prepare for the topic by taking out information from the internet, magazines, newspapers and other media sources.

  • Rationale calls: 20 minutes, depending on the number of candidates; 2 min joint preparation time and 2 mins talk time per participants
  • Total test time: 30 minutes (inclusive of instructions)

 b. Oral Proficiency Abroad

The oral test conducted abroad comprises a 10 to 15 minute individual production recorded during a test leader's supervision. It is then sent for evaluation to the Department of Swedish and multilingualism. The primary purpose is to evaluate the communication skills of the candidates, their vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. The topic given is general, not linked to any particular area of study. 
 The candidates get 15 minutes to prepare their oral presentation. The candidate chooses to speak about one of two topics given. 

Recording: The test leader takes the recording. The candidate first need to introduce themselves, i.e. say their name and make a short presentation of oneself of about one minute, followed by talking about the topic chosen for about 10-15 minutes.  

Rating:  The rating is established on the basis of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, clarity and completeness.

  • Preparation time: 15 minutes
  • Recording time: 10-15 minutes

TISUS Dates and Deadlines 

TISUS held twice a year, in spring and in autumn. 
TISUS Sweden including Stockholm and overseas have the same test date, while there are different admission dates for Tisus Stockholm, Sweden and Tisus abroad.

TISUS Registration

The test is given at six universities and colleges in Sweden and in several locations abroad.
A two- step registration is there: 
  1. Fill in the application form and pay the test fee 
  2. Submit completed application form and a copy of the receipt for the payment.

TISUS Stockholm

You can register for the test in Stockholm on a special form. You can even order the special form by phone, fax or letter. You need to submit it along with a copy of the receipt of the deposit / payment order.

TISUS Sweden

If you are writing TISUS in Sweden, contact the university directly. 

TISUS Foreign

If you want to do TISUS overseas, you should first send an application and await the confirmation. Then send in special registration form and pay the registration fee.


Fees vary from year to year. Check the official website to know more about the fees.

TISUS Results and Scoring

Results TISUS Stockholm and Foreign

The evaluation of the test takes about 4 to 5 weeks. The results are sent to the candidates via post. 
Two grades are used: 'PASS' and 'FAIL'.

To pass on TISUS you must be passed in all three test sections. If you fail in one of the three tests, you just need to repeat the part that has been rejected, the so-called residual samples. It must be cleared within one year from the first test date. If you fail in two or three sub-samples, in that case, you need to take the entire test.

Results TISUS Sweden

Contact your University/College to get details on the results and scoring of the test.

Essentials Required

  • Bring a Photo identification proof on the test day
  • Bring a Swedish dictionary, pen and eraser.
For more details and latest test schedule see official website of 'Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism' https://www.su.se/department-of-swedish-language-and-multilingualism/

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