Higher Vocational Education in Sweden
Higher Vocational Education, (aka kvalificerad yrkesutbildning or yrkeshogskoleutbildning in Swedish), focuses on obtaining education according to the workplace and is bespoken to the needs and demands of the job market. Higher Vocational Education programmes are only held in Swedish. The programmes cater to the needs of the job market and develop professional and specific work-related skills in individuals.
The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education has accountability for all affairs pertaining to Higher Vocational Education (HVE) in Sweden. The Agency administers the courses and visits them to make sure that work is being done in conformity with the statutory requirements. Swedish higher vocational education is provided at post-secondary level.
Higher Vocational Education Providers
Education providers are university colleges in cooperation with employers, local authorities or private training companies, municipalities and private educational providers. The companies work along with the higher vocational education providers and prepare the programme. Employers and industry representatives take part as members of the programmes’ steering committees. Industry representatives also conduct lectures and classes.
The duration of the higher vocational education course varies, although most of the courses last for 1 to 3 years.
Higher Vocational Education Qualifications
The Higher vocational education courses last from six months and above.
- Diploma in Higher Vocational Education: If the duration of the Higher Vocational Education course is one year, then a vocational university college diploma is awarded at the completion of the 200 higher vocational education credits.
- Advanced Diploma/Qualified Diploma in Higher Vocational Education: If the duration of the HVEC course is two years, a qualified/advanced vocational university college diploma is awarded after the completion of 400 higher vocational education credits.
Admission Requirements
Higher vocational university college courses are post-secondary school courses.
General Entry Requirement: Students should have attained final passing grades from a secondary school.
For certain courses, there are specific entry requirements, in addition to the general entry requirements.
Applying Ways and Means
If you are interested in applying for a higher vocational education course, contact the school that provides training courses. Fill in the application form and submit at the respective school. You must send in your application along with your grades as well as a personal letter for each course you apply for.